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Friday, October 9, 2020

Psychic Abilities, Types & Symptoms

 Every person has some degree of intuition and psychic powers. Intuition is an inner knowing or inner guidance system that can be communicated and expressed through a variety of psychic powers. Some people may be strongly gifted with one of these psychic powers, while others may have many psychic powers available to them. Some people only listen to their intuition on occasion, while others choose to fully develop their psychic powers in order to become professional psychics. When it comes to using psychic powers professionally, there are many areas of specialty or expertise.

Psychic Power is available to everyone who wants to work with it. The focus of psychic power is the development of one or more of the following senses: sight (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience) or touch (clairsentience). Through the development of our senses we strengthen our connection with the universal energy that is Spirit, and to the wisdom that Spirit brings to us. We experience psychic power all the time, without realizing it. We may call it intuition – knowledge that comes to us unbidden, or we may call it that “Aha!” moment. We may just call it a “gut feeling”. It is an energy that surrounds us all the time, and is easily tapped into.

Working with our psychic power opens up our minds, our hearts, and our lives. It connects us with our creative nature, and with the power of imagination. It allows us to work directly with Spirit to find and follow our path. By enhancing our senses, we reach out to a world beyond our physical world, to the world of spirit. We learn to see and interpret things from a broader perspective.

We learn to allow solutions to our problems to come to us, rather than having to work so hard to run after them and “make” them happen. When we open up the world of our senses, we leave behind the world of logic – which may have been acting to constrict us in the first place!

What Is Psychic Power?

Psychic power is the ability to know something without any logical connection or thought process. It can be a vibration that we feel; it can be a voice that we hear in our head; it can be an image that comes to us unbidden. It can come through our senses of touch, sight, or hearing, or it can come from what we call our "Sixth Sense," through our brow chakra. This is what some people term extra-sensory perception (ESP).

Why do we want to pay attention to the messages that come to us (whether they are auditory or visual images)? Because when we do this we align ourselves with our inner self, as well as with the larger energy of Spirit. We can speak with our Spirit Guides, with Angels and Archangels, we can receive information from them unbidden, or we can ask them questions and receive answers.

We can release the negativity from our life, and we can access our creativity and our imagination. We can take down the barriers that we have constructed through the use of logic, and see a much bigger picture of life. We can heal ourselves. Everyone and everything in the universe is connected. Every thought that we have, every action that we take, affects our world in more ways than we know. Using our psychic power allows us to feel empowered, to make informed decisions, and to take informed actions.

Pay attention to your dreams; pay attention to the images that come to you during waking hours; pay attention to your feelings. These messages are being given to you for a reason – use them wisely. Develop them, respect them, honor them, and your life will function at a level that you have never before experienced!

Types of Psychic Abilities

Generalized Descriptive Terms

Clairaudient – ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.

Clairsentient – ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’.

Clairvoyance – ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition. Can receive information in the form of symbols; mind pictures; overlays (example: seeing past and present at same time).

Psychic – a generalized, and often over-used, term; can refer to basically any psychic abilities.


 Some of the More Common Psychic Abilities

Channeling – ability to communicate with non-physical energies, such as ‘masters’, angels, guides and other world beings.

Empath – ability to sense and/or feel others emotions, or residual emotions. For those empaths who are untrained, the emotions can feel like their own ad can be confusing. Public places and/or large crowds can be overwhelming.

The number of empaths on planet Earth are on the rise, and are usually coupled with one or more other abilities.

Far-See – ability to see far into the possible future (or past). This is closely related to the Probability ability.

Both abilities rely on the ability to foresee the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns.

Far-See example: While driving, one can catch glimpses of the houses, buildings, landscape, etc. in the far future (or distant past).

Probability example: knowing what is going to happen shortly, based on the current energy patterns (closely related to Precognitive).

Healer – a very broad category. Healings can come in as many ways as the healers, themselves, develop. A word of caution to new healers: please never take others ailments into your own body.

Often beginner healers may start to see patterns during daily interactions. Friends and acquaintances may appear to feel better, cheerier, more up-beat or energetic when around you.

Some healers pray to heal. There are also: laying on of hands; visualization; manipulation of energy; auric healing (working on re-balancing the aura); chakra healers (re-balancing the seven primary physical energy vortices on the human body); Reiki, and much more.

Medium – ability to communicate with those who have crossed over (deceased). It can be getting messages from a deceased loved one or strangers.

Multi-talented Sensitive (my term) – one who has more than one working ability. A lot of people are now in the category, and it is growing.

Precognitive – ability to know things/events, etc. beforehand.

Premonition – ability to sense or feel an upcoming event – usually a ‘gut feeling’ about something. (Closely related to Precognitive.)

Psychometry – ability to touch an object, item or person and receive information. This information can be received in mind pictures (like still photos or short snippets of moving film); or sudden a knowing of information.

Telepathy – the ability to hear others thoughts, ideas, etc. (receiver) and/or send thoughts, ideas, etc. to others (sender). The ability to be both a sender and receiver is growing.

Tool Readers – ability to use a tool to provide a focus to access information about another. Examples can be (but not limited to): tarot cards, other card types, tea leaves, crystal ball, stones, minerals, ‘doodles’, etc.

10 Surprisingly Common Ways To Die In Your Sleep

 Next to eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise, getting adequate sleep is a staple cornerstone to a healthy life. But did you know that sleeping can also be dangerous?

There are actually a number of things that can go wrong when you close your eyes and slip into unconsciousness—and for some people, the danger is real enough that they never wake up again. In fact, according to an ancient Greek proverb, death and sleep are brothers . . . death being the perfect fulfillment of sleep and sleep being the imperfect embodiment of death.

Sleep has, for the most part, always been seen as a “passive” activity that our body performs on its own. But the truth is that our brain is actually quite active while we slumber. It is also true that there are many unanswered mysteries about sleep that modern scientists have yet to unravel.[1]

As it turns out, there are still some surprising (and somewhat scary) things going on when our conscious brains turn off and our bodies begin the sleeping state. And sometimes, the results can be completely terrifying.

10 Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest, also known as SCA, can occur when the sinoatrial node, which is the node in the heart that is essentially your body’s natural pacemaker, becomes impaired.[2] In other words, this condition occurs when the electrical systems of the heart malfunction. And in some cases, it is deadly within the first few minutes.

How does it kill? Well, it basically reduces blood flow to the brain. And the scariest part? Not only can it happen during sleep, but half of cases show no symptoms before the cardiac arrest occurs.

9 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide, or CO, is a colorless, odorless gas that can be lethal if too much of it is breathed into the lungs. It can be found in the fumes that come from running cars, stoves, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, furnaces, and so on, and it can be almost impossible to detect unless a carbon monoxide detector is in use.

How does it kill? Basically, if enough of it builds up in a small enough space, breathing it in can become toxic. And if you inhale enough of it, just having it in your lungs can be enough to “seal the deal” in a very final way. If awake, the victim may experience symptoms like dizziness, weakness, a headache, or an upset stomach.

But what if it catches you while you’re asleep? Well, people who are sleeping often experience no symptoms, and they can die in their sleep before they even realize that it’s happening.[3]

8 Myocardial Infarction

A myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, can happen during sleep, though thankfully, the odds are pretty good that this specific type of cardiac event will wake its victim up before it kills them.[4]

Heart attacks happen when blood flow to part of the heart gets blocked. This blockage can destroy part of the heart muscle.

How does it kill? If enough heart tissue gets damaged, the heart may not be strong enough to pump any blood out to the rest of the body. This can result in heart failure, which could be lethal if medical treatment isn’t obtained immediately.

Unfortunately, it isn’t usually possible for a heart attack victim to seek medical attention if they are asleep—and that is the part that’s terrifying.

7 Central Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea is basically a disorder that causes the sufferer’s breathing to stop and start repeatedly while they are unconscious. It happens when the brain doesn’t send the proper electrical signals to the muscles that control the breathing mechanisms during sleep and is believed to originate from a problem in the brain stem.

How does it kill? Basically, if the case of apnea is bad enough, hypoxemia may set in—which happens when oxygen levels in the body fall below those required for normal life function. This basically leads to oxygen deprivation.[5]

If the brain is not able to rouse the body in enough time to take a breath, the prognosis can be fatal!

6 Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome

This is undoubtedly one of the more “mysterious” inclusions in our list.

Unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS) was first reported in 1917. Since then, it has gained a pretty scary reputation in both textbooks and on the dark corners of the Internet. In the Philippines, they call it Bangungut, and in Hawaii, they call it Dream Disease.

The exact cause of death among those who die of SUNDS is actually still unclear, but the presentation always seems to be similar. It basically causes otherwise young, healthy individuals to die in their sleep for seemingly no reason.

How does it kill? Scientists still aren’t sure . . . but it tends to occur frequently in Southeast Asia, and researchers suspect a range of possible explanations, from malfunctions of the ion channel to ventricular fibrillation.[6]

5 Cerebral Aneurysm

A cerebral aneurysm, also known as a brain aneurysm, is basically a weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. It is kind of like a thin balloonthat fills with blood. But over time, as the blood pumps through the artery, it continues to weaken and swell—and if the pressure increases too much, a rupture can occur.

How does it kill? When an aneurysm ruptures, the bleeding usually only lasts for a few seconds. But the blood causes damage to the surrounding brain cells and can increase the pressure inside the skull. If the pressure elevates too much, the condition can quickly turn fatal.[7]

4 Enterovirus D68

This is one of the more obscure entries on our list, but that makes it no less terrifying.

Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is a type of non-polio enterovirus that was first identified back in 1962. But back in 2014, there was a huge increase in the number of reported cases, leaving researchers to wonder if the virus was going to become more predominant in coming years than they had expected.

The scary thing about EV-D68 is that while it usually causes mild to severe respiratory illness symptoms, it sometimes produces no symptoms at all. And yet, physicians are saying that the disease has the potential to be more dangerous than Ebola in the US.[8]

How does it kill? It can cause particularly severe respiratory problems, characterized by a high-pitched wheezing sound that has become a dreaded earmark of infection. It has also been associated with muscle weakness and spinal cord inflammation, which is perhaps even more terrifying than the wheezing.

Dying of an infection is not necessarily common, but sometimes, the symptoms are dangerous enough to kill—even if the victim is asleep.

3 Dry Drowning

Most of us are aware that you can drown in the water. This seems like a no-brainer. But a lot of people are not familiar at all with the term “dry drowning” and what it means.

And as it turns out, it is a pretty horrific way to die!

Basically, the idea behind this danger is that it is a type of drowning that can occur even after the victim has left the water. It is technically still drowning, but “dry drowning” is the term that has come to be used to describe it, though some doctors have argued for the dropping of said term.

It can occur when inhaled water, even just a drop or two, makes it past the throat and into the lungs. This usually causes symptoms, but they are sometimes mild and easy to miss.[9]

The scary thing is that this water can cause breathing problems that get worse over time. And in some cases, these breathing problems don’t strike until hours, or even days later—after the victim has fallen asleep. So-called “dry drowning” is actually pretty rare when you look at total deaths attributed to drowning, but this makes it no less disturbing.

How does it kill? It basically asphyxiates the victim—depriving them of oxygen until they suffocate.

2 The Widow Maker Heart Attack

While most heart attacks have a decent chance of waking their victims up before death occurs, the “widow maker” tends to be an exception. We have already mentioned heart attacks in general once on this list, but this particular type of infarction deserves its own spot.

Why? Because it is among the deadliest types of heart attacks that can occur. It happens when the left main artery, also known as the left anterior descending artery, gets blocked. A 100-percent blockage in this artery is almost always fatal without immediate emergency care—hence the nickname.[10]

How does it kill? Heart attacks with severe enough blockages result in damaged heart muscle. And if the muscle becomes too damaged to pump blood, the result can be fatal.

1O bstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder in which the victim repeatedly stops and starts their breathing process during sleep. OSA is by far the most common type of sleep apnea, and as it turns out, it is also probably the most likely reason that a person may die in their sleep.

This type of sleep apnea is literally caused by an obstruction that blocks the airway. This obstruction is usually caused by sagging throat muscles, though the muscles and tissues of the tongue, uvula, tonsils, and soft palate can all play a part. It is estimated that as many as 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea but that 80 percent of cases go undiagnosed—making it a true “silent killer” that many people remain unaware of.

How does it kill? People with OSA experience sudden drops in blood oxygen levels when they stop breathing . . . and if they are already at risk for a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure, then OSA can be the trigger that sets a sudden cardiac event into motion.

In such cases, death may occur before the victim even has a chance to wake up.

Can we remember our past lives in dreams?

 Usually we associate with happiness, successes, dreams or with an impossible journey. Sometimes the dreams represent a different reality, wishes that we would like to see fulfilled. What no one can deny is that dreams are an integral part of the human experience, and studies have shown that all beings, including animals, dream. But, what are dreams? Why do we have them? And, the most mysterious of all, what do they mean?

Most of us can remember at least one dream. Even for those who are lucky to get a deep enough sleep state and which tend not to remember their dreams, sometimes they are tormented by dreams that makes them wake up suddenly. According to science, some research has shown that we dream several times during the night, even if we do not wake us enough to remember them. So, where do these dreams come from?

The simple answer is that there are material manifestations of our subconscious mind. Some experts in the field say that subconscious our potential is untapped as humans, including latent psychic abilities as telepathy, spiritual knowledge about the universe or forgotten memories (including the memories of past lives). It is here where we wanted to get, our dreams could conceal basic information about our past lives, the key to discover who we are and why we are here.


Have you ever had dreams about past lives?

Can we remember our past lives in dreams?

The dreams of past lives, also known as karmic dreams, can give us an indication of who you were in a past life and also of the certain skills or even the origin of certain inexplicable fears people, places or things. The dreams of past lives can appear many times during life and not change. We can dream of being in another time, dressed in old clothes or even speaking a different language. The sequence of events that take place do not change, and the dream is always the same. And if we can figure it out, we will be able to discover the origin of inexplicable fears, beliefs, and behaviors.

Then, how do I know if the dream is related to past lives?

There are several tracks, the most obvious are the details surrounding the dream. If you are dreaming that you're in another era riding or driving an old-timer in a place if identified, you may be experiencing a past life. The same happens with old fashion styles, landscapes, family members who do not recognise in this life, structures or objects that are not current. Other signals to keep in mind is that sometimes in the dream we are unaware of being ourselves or an ethnicity different from ours, that without doubt are a hallmark of be dreaming of a possible past life.

But experts point out that greater indicator lies in the emotions we feel while you are experiencing the dream. This does not mean that all dreams are not emotional, because they certainly are. In our dreams, our most hidden feelings there are to our attention, but the memory about past lives has a very specific emotional quality.

Whether our dreams to contain a memory of past or not lives, the most important is to focus on what they mean for us. As I mentioned earlier, they are a direct towards our interior line and tend to be related events or issues that they are happening (or are about to happen) in our current lives. They emerge to educate us about a truth that we cannot see, helps us to make decisions, and resolve our issues in a better way. This is exactly the same purpose as for the past lives, which not to inquire into our inner minds and discover our true goals in life.

Recurring dreams

As discussed previously, if you experience repeated dreams, you will have to pay attention to all the details. Sometimes these dreams point to karmic situations that you might have experienced before. Even, sometimes dreams can provide us with clues about some event lived in the past. Experts in the field believe that the most common reasons to explain dreams k rmicos, is because they still have the burden of past distressing situations. As in the case of a positive or negative situation, anyone who has experienced this feeling must "collect" all possible information in order to solve future experiences. It is for this reason that should pay careful attention to the symbols, signs, meanings and deeper keys.

But it is also important to rely on own intuition, and if not possible would be necessary to request the help of a professional to guide you through these dreams. Our recommendation is to request the help of experts such as Elise Defer, who voluntarily can help a person to recognize the dreams of his past life, as well as the way in which can affect you today.


So, how can we know the meaning of our dreams?

In general, the dreams end up being chaotic images caused by something happened before falling asleep. But the reality is that dreams are, literally, messages transmitted to people. We encourage everyone to write all his dreams since it will help you in the ability to remember the dream the next day.

This practice helps to establish a powerful intention that dreams help us as we work hard to explore the life and meet the challenges. And naturally, we will take awareness of past lives and how they relate to our everyday life, as well as the ability to tune into our own prophetic powers as we walk through the symbolism of discover the future. So now, sleep well and dream, since you never know what you will discover. Are you ready to learn about dreaming with your past lives

10 People Who Claim To Have Had Sex With Aliens


There are many people who claim to have gotten in contact with aliens and their numbers are increasing. But the people who are included in our list are probably the most outstanding because what they're saying is beyond our imagination.

David Huggins

It’s not the kind of close encounter many people discuss, but one New Jersey-based artist says he feels better when he paints his sexual experiences with aliens. “I lost my virginity to an extraterrestrial woman,” David Huggins says in the trailer for a forthcoming documentary about his life and work, “Love and Saucers.” “It was just a relief to get the images on canvas,” the 70-year-old artist says. Huggins, who lives in Hoboken, says the abductions began when he was 8 years old and have continued throughout his life. When he was 17, he says he began having sexual encounters with a female alien named Crescent.

Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown

A businesswoman living in Cheshire England, Suzanna Brown has a bit darker story. What she went through isn't romantic at all. It was done by force. She claimed in a magazine that between 1965-1989, she was forced to have sex with a 1.50 cm tall, blond alien whose name is Myriko.Peter Khoury

Peter Khoury

Peter and Vivian had their first UFO experiences in February 1988 - a simple sighting of unusual moving lights. But in July of that year, Peter had a deeply disturbing, consciously remembered contact experience that, he says, changed his life. While lying on his bed, he felt something grab his ankles. He suddenly felt numb and paralyzed, but remained conscious. Then he noticed three or four small hooded figures alongside the bed. He experienced telepathic communication with one or more of these beings; he was told to relax and not be afraid because "it would be like last time." He then saw that they were about to insert a long needle into the side of his head, whereupon he blacked out.

Stephany Fay Cohen

Stephany Fay Cohen

A psychic who claims to have sex with aliens who sneak into her room while she sleeps appeared on live TV to discuss the 'out-of-this-world orgasms' she has with 'octopus men and cat people'. Stephany Fay Cohen discussed her adult adventures with Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on This Morning, as part of a week of features celebrating the supernatural. Cohen even drew pictures of both the UFO she travels in with her 'spirit guides', and a Grey, one race of alien with whom she interacts.

Jose Inacio Alvaro

On March 3, 1978, in the small hours of the morning, eighteen-year-old Jose Inacio Alvaro, studying to be an electrician at a vo-tech in the Brazilian town of Pelotas, noticed a strange glow pouring in through one of the windows of his house. Alvaro, who had been up at that late hour studying, felt an unusual torpor seize him at the very moment that a thin blue beam appeared out of the light. The next thing he remembered was waking up on the street at a considerable distance from his home. Casting a frightened look at his wristwatch, Jose Inacio realized the time was now four o'clock in the morning: he had no recollection of what events had transpired in the intervening two hours.

Pamela Stonebrooke

Not only has Pamela Stonebrook seen an alien, she's coupled with one. The 52-year-old jazz singer featured on the Discovery Channel's "World's Strangest UFO Stories," claimed to have had mind-blowing sex with a six-foot tall reptilian alien for three years. "My first sexual encounter with an alien was unlike any love-making I've experienced before, she told The Sun UK. "It was so intense and enjoyable and, without wanting to get too graphic, he was so much larger than most men. I remember exactly how I felt when I saw him for the first time.''

Elizabeth Klarer

Elizabeth Klarer

In the mid-1950s, Klarer spotted more UFOs and reported that she was in telepathic contact with a pilot named Akon. Akon and his co-pilot, both of whom were astrophysicists, eventually let Klarer board their spaceship. They told her that they came from Meton, a planet in the galaxy of Alpha Centauri. Klarer became friends with the aliens, and they continued making visits to her. After a time, Klarer felt a great attraction toward Akon, and doubtlessly unable to resist the opportunity of kinky intergalactic space sex with an attractive extraterrestrial species, took him as a lover and became pregnant. Akon then took her to live on Meton, where she gave birth to a hybrid son the couple named Ayling.

Meng Zhaoguo

Meng Zhaoguo

She was 3 meters tall, and had 12 fingers and braided leg hair - and she wanted to make love with him, Meng Zhaoguo says. So the farmer from Heilong- jiang and the robust extra-terrestrial seductress had intimate moments - while levitating - for about 40 minutes, claims Meng, who is the protagonist of what is perhaps China's best-known alien abduction report. Meng says he was working outside in Heilongjiang's Wuchang in 1994, when he saw a metallic shimmering on a mountainside. He went to investigate, believing it was likely a downed helicopter, when he blacked out. When he came to, he was confused and unable to communicate with other people. He had also developed an extreme fear of anything made of iron. Later that night, the female humanoid visited him, he says. "I didn't believe in aliens before I actually met them," he tells China Daily. "Seeing is believing. We cannot explain UFOs and aliens because our technology isn't advanced enough. But that doesn't mean such things don't exist."

Antonio Villas Boas

Antonio Villas Boas

Antonio was ploughing a field on the family farm when the engine of his tractor cut out; at the same time, an object with purple lights descended from the sky. Humanoids in spacesuits emerged from the object and took him into their craft, subjecting him to what seemed like a medical examination. They stripped him, spread a strange liquid over him and took a sample of his blood. He was left alone in a room for what seemed a long time, until a beautiful, fair-haired woman arrived. She was naked and Antonio was instantly attracted to her. Without speaking or kissing, they had sex, during which she growled like a dog. Despite his strange circumstances or perhaps because the alien liquid had Viagra-like properties, Antonio was soon ready for a second helping.

Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes then described losing his virginity to one of the aliens in 1965, when he was five or six years old. He said: 'It was a holographic sexual experience so I didn't exactly lose my virginity... it was using much more advanced technology than anything we have on Earth, or anything the army thinks they have. To aliens it's not about age, it's about experience and souls.'

Aware that 'some people can't handle the truth,' Simon Parkes suggested that anyone who felt he was unsuitable for the role of Councillor in Whitby instead 'vent your angry spleen on those members of parliament who stole money, who defrauded the country, who got others to take penalty points for them, on those great tycoons and bankers who nearly destroyed Britain.'

Psychic Abilities, Types & Symptoms

  Every person has some degree of intuition and psychic powers. Intuition is an inner knowing or inner guidance system that can be communica...